Goodwill Hunting: 2011 Goodwill Finds!

Happy New Year from all of us at Goodwill Industries of the Southern Piedmont. We were able to help almost 16,000 people in 2011, thanks to your donations and purchases at Goodwill. Thank you!

We’ve been perusing our Goodwill Hunting flickr group, and we’ve spotted some amazing finds that people have posted. We received many donations last week, so this is the perfect week to go treasure hunting for your next great find!

1. Untitled, 2. Town and Country Oval Cinderella Casserole, 3. Post Holiday Mayhem, 4. Self-portrait in my favorite song, 5. Goodwill Bench $30, 6. Friendship Pattern Kromex Canister, 7. Gloverall Duffle Coat., 8. Trunk at GoodWill, 9. Slide Duplicator VII – Made in Japan, 10. More Thrifty Shoes, 11. Goodwill was good to me today…, 12. ‘Violet’, 13. Excellent decorative vases!, 14. Detective Handbook, 15. double starburst 😀, 16. Untitled

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