Were you on Santa’s nice or naughty list this year? If you were very good, maybe you were even lucky enough to find a new cell phone, computer, or other fun tech-y gift under the tree!
Now that you’ve spent some time getting acquainted with your new gadgets, you may be wondering what to do with your old ones. Don’t just toss them–bring them to us! We’ve partnered with Dell in the RECONNECT program to take your computers & related electronics (any brand, in any condition), and recycle or refurbish them.
- Donating your computer to Goodwill is safe. Every donated computer is processed in our electronics recycling program, using specialty software and U.S. Department of Defense standards to destroy personal data on each machine that is refurbished and re-sold in our Computer Works store. Older computers that can’t be refurbished are de-manufactured (prepped for recycling) and the hard drives are crushed.
- It’s good for the environment. Computers aren’t allowed in county landfills because they contain mercury and lead–but because of our participation in Dell’s RECONNECT program, we can de-manufacture your donations and recycle the materials!
- It’s easy, too. You can bring your computer and computer equipment to any of our 30+ retail stores and donation centers–type in your zip code on our web site to find the donation site nearest you.
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