Masks Required for Everyone at All Locations

As our community continues to feel the increased impact of COVID-19, we feel it is important to share with you what we are doing to help keep our team members, shoppers, and guests safe and healthy.
Effective August 18, 2021, in accordance with local health policies and CDC guidelines, people entering our locations – including our 26 retail stores, Career Centers, Goodwill Construction Skills Training Center and the Goodwill Opportunity Campus – are required to wear a mask or face covering.
At Goodwill Industries of the Southern Piedmont, we take pride in serving people in Charlotte and the surrounding region. Since the start of the pandemic, we’ve had protocols in place following CDC recommendations and local public health guidelines. From health and safety to cleaning and sanitation, we have allocated an abundance of resources into protocols that allow us to continue to serve our community while doing our part to mitigate the spread of the virus.
As part of our protocols, we have taken the following actions to ensure the health and safety of our team members, shoppers and those we serve:
- Sneeze guards are located at each register.
- Heightened cleaning and disinfecting procedures to maintain a healthy environment for our shoppers, donors, and team members
- Added signage to encourage social distancing
- Provided self-service sanitizing stations with cleaning supplies
- We can accept donations straight from your car or via carts to encourage social distancing. If you would like a donation receipt but don’t want to grab it directly from the donation processor, ask them to leave it in your trunk or backseat.
- Our restrooms and breakrooms are stocked with hand soap, working hand dryers and/or paper towels.
- Our team members are wearing masks per the guidelines set by the CDC.
- Our team members have completed safety training and are being asked to complete a symptom and safety check in prior to each shift.
In addition, we are doing our part to encourage vaccinations by providing team members with information, flexibility, and paid time to get vaccinated.
As the situation evolves, we may implement additional preventative measures to ensure the well-being of our team members, shoppers and guests.
Thank you in advance for your patience as we navigate this challenging situation one day at a time and determine how best to continue serving our community.