Goodwill Honors Team Members, Local Workforce this Labor Day

On September 5, 2022, Goodwill Industries of the Southern Piedmont is celebrating Labor Day, which honors and recognizes the American labor movement and the works and contributions of laborers to the development and achievements of the United States.
At a time when millions of people across the nation are still looking for work, Goodwill Industries of the Southern Piedmont is working to help people in our local community uncover their passions, enhance their skill sets and achieve more for themselves and their families – creating a brighter future for all. In 2021, Goodwill helped more than 6,100 people throughout the Charlotte region access career training courses, job search support and family stability services to advance their careers and improve their lives.
Goodwill provides a range of services to help people in our community gain new skills, launch new careers and pursue the life they want to achieve – and they are all offered free of charge! Since Goodwill’s inception, the revenue generated from the sale of donated items has helped fund its programs and services, making upward mobility more achievable for members of our community.
These services are available to anyone in our community who wants them, including more than 1,000 local Goodwill team members! Our team members are the core of our nonprofit and help every day to turn donated goods into opportunities for our community.
According to the U.S. Department of Labor’s latest jobs report, nationally, unemployment has remained the same (currently at 3.6 percent for the fourth straight month) and wages are growing; however, millions of workers across the country still struggle with underemployment and low wages, and more than 11 million jobs currently remain unfilled.
Goodwill Industries of the Southern Piedmont is committed to doing its part in responding to the gap in employment and skills training and supporting those individuals in the Charlotte region who face obstacles to finding employment today.