An Update on Goodwill Operations

Hello everyone,
Every day is bringing new information, and we are working very hard to maintain operations and services, as long as we can do so safely. Many people are depending on us to keep them healthy and safe, while at the same time supporting them to sustain their families. This is a delicate balance that we take seriously.
We have been monitoring recommendations from national, regional, and local authorities and are now taking the following actions:
- Effective Saturday, March 21 our retail stores hours will be adjusted to 10 a.m. – 7 p.m. daily until further notice.
- Effective Saturday, March 21, our ADC hours will be adjusted to 10 a.m. – 5 p.m. every day until further notice.
- On Monday, March 23, we will begin to offer our client services exclusively online and by phone until further notice. You can request assistance on our website: goodwillsp.org or by calling (704) 916-1608, for services in Gastonia and Concord, please call (704) 916-1610.
- Effective Monday, March 23 our Community Table Bistro hours will be adjusted to 7:30 a.m. – 2 p.m. Monday through Friday. The bistro is offering takeout only. You can place your order by visiting our location on Wilkinson Blvd. or by calling (980) 636-1000.
These adjustments will help to support our commitment to providing a safe and healthy environment for our team members, customers and those we serve.
Goodwill exists to help people see possibilities, seize opportunities, and prosper. Thanks to the generosity of those who donate funds, gently used items, or shop in one of our 26 retail stores and online, we are able to offer all of our services at no cost to participants and employ more than 1000 team members across our region.
As people in our community are losing their jobs, Goodwill is committed to continuing to provide training and employment services virtually and over the phone at this time to anyone who needs support – free of charge. With reduced hours in our retail stores and donation centers, your financial gift is more important than ever.
Thank you for your continued support during these critical times. This is indeed a challenging time for all of us. I pray that as a community we will work together to get through it and in doing so, will gain some empowering lessons that will make us better.
Chris Jackson
President & CEO