Shop The GRID for All Your Back to School Electronic Needs

Summer break is coming to an end, and local students go back to school on Monday, August 27, which is less than two weeks away. You know what that means – it’s time for back to school shopping.
Shopping for the upcoming school year can be dreadfully expensive, especially when your student’s shopping list consists of electronics. But don’t worry, you don’t have to spend a fortune on those back to school tech necessities. This year, instead of shopping at big-name retailers, stop by our technology store, The GRID: Powered by Goodwill, for all your back to school electronic needs. They have scientific calculators for only $20, Chromebook laptops for only $50, printers starting at $10 and much more! Check out all the great back to school items our friend Stacee Michelle found at a recent shopping trip to The GRID in the video below!
The GRID is located at 9605 N Tryon Street in Charlotte, across the street from UNCC, and is open Monday – Saturday, 9 a.m. – 9 p.m. and Sunday, 12 – 7 p.m. You can learn more at www.thegridgoodwill.com.