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Safety Protocols in Response to COVID-19


February 24, 2022

Last updated February 24, 2022

The coronavirus pandemic has changed the world we live in. We want to ensure you that keeping our team members, shoppers, donors and participants safe is our top priority. Here at Goodwill Industries of the Southern Piedmont, we’re following guidance from the CDC and local health officials. As such, here are some safety protocols we’ve implemented at Goodwill:

  1. As of February 26, 2022, masks will no longer be required for team members, shoppers, donors, participants or other guests at any Goodwill Industries of the Southern Piedmont location.
    • We support anyone who wishes to continue wearing their mask, as we know masks are effective in preventing the spread of illness.
  2. Floor graphics direct the flow of store traffic and encourage social distancing while you wait in line to check out.
  3. Sneeze guards are located at each register.
  4. High-touch areas, including shopping carts, door handles, registers, bathrooms and more, are disinfected several times daily.
  5. Our fitting rooms are closed.
  6. Our restrooms and breakrooms are stocked with hand soap, working hand dryers and/or paper towels.
  7. Tuesdays from 9 – 10 a.m. are reserved exclusively for seniors and those with underlying medical conditions to shop.