Delivery of Census Paper Questionnaires Begins

This year, responding to the Census is easier than ever. You can respond online, by phone or by mailing in a printed form.
According to the U.S. Census Bureau, about 64 million households across the nation are receiving a paper questionnaire in the coming days. If you or someone you know doesn’t receive a letter in the mail, the Census Bureau will drop off a Census invitation and paper form as soon as it is safe to do so. Census takers will also follow up with all households that do not respond on their own.
You can choose to respond online at 2020census.gov in English or 12 other languages, or receive assistance through language guides and videos available in 59 languages. Of the nation’s households, 46.2% have already responded to the 2020 Census. The remaining households will receive a paper questionnaire starting April 8.
If you are still skeptical about what will be asked or what the information will be used for, click here to get the facts. The Census data is critical for funding our future needs. Respond and take it today! Your input will make a significant difference and will directly impact the funding for our future.