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Give for Good

Goodwill is partnering with businesses throughout the region to boost donations and local impact as we turn your items into career services for people in the community. You guessed it….your location is participating. This month, they are going head-to-head with other businesses to try and generate the most possible donations over a 2-week blitz. The prize? Pride. And that warm fuzzy feeling you get when helping a fellow neighbor.

What can you do?

  • Drop off your donations (If you’ve already done this, you’re a step ahead of the game. Thank you!)
  • Spread the word. Encourage friends and family to donate too.
  • Share on social media.

Most Needed Items for Donations

Home Decor
Sporting Goods

The Good Stuff

Revenue from your donations directly funds programs for local job seekers.

We have career training programs in IT, banking, construction and trades.

Our career centers offer career coaching, resume review, and job search support.

Charged up about Giving for Good? Connect with us.

Business Sign-up

Are you part of a locally-focused business that would be a perfect partner for the head-to-head donation challenge? Let’s explore the possibility.


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Interested in Becoming an Ambassador?

Help spread the word about Goodwill’s mission. From simply posting on social to helping organize a donation drive for your neighborhood, we would be honored for you to become an ambassador. Get the conversation going with this interest form.


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