Success Story:

For many job seekers with a criminal background, getting a second chance isn’t easy. After Lorenzo was released from federal prison in 2014, his career options were limited. Upon relocating to North Carolina shortly after his release, Lorenzo learned that Goodwill was a resource for those with barriers to employment and decided to check it out.
Lorenzo came to Goodwill’s Career Development Center and was immediately welcomed by a team of people ready and willing to help him get back on his feet. A team member in the Job Connection met with Lorenzo, learned about his skills and interests, then referred him to Goodwill’s staffing agency, GoodWork Staffing, where he was quickly placed in a temporary job to secure immediate income. While working the temporary job, Lorenzo also enrolled in Goodwill’s construction skills training program to acquire valuable skills that would help him secure permanent employment.
Through Goodwill’s construction skills training program, Lorenzo received his forklift certification, OSHA certification, and learned construction skills, communication skills, interviewing skills, employability skills, and much more, all while being surrounded by a strong support group. Most importantly, by securing immediate income with his temporary job and completing the training program, Lorenzo regained the self confidence that he lost in prison.
“I gained confidence in myself and started to believe that success could happen for me,” he said.
After graduating from the construction skills training program and completing his temporary job assignment, Lorenzo, with the help of GoodWork Staffing, was hired full time at a company where he is a production associate today. He is proud of his newfound career and the fulfillment that comes with it.
“It feels good to be receiving benefits and a 401k,” he said. “I bought myself a car, and I’m able to pay my bills and put food on the table. It feels good to have my own things.”
Lorenzo’s advice to anyone needing help getting back on their feet is to never give up and seek out Goodwill for its resources.
“Never give up, and stay strong. If you have a goal, just pursue it until the end,” he said. “Goodwill made an excellent impact on my life. It lead the way for me to do the things I’m doing now. I’ll always be thankful for going to Goodwill.”
Lorenzo’s hard work and determination, along with the help of Goodwill, have opened up an entire future of possibility for him.
“If I can do it, anybody can do it,” he said. “No matter what you’ve been through, you still have a chance.”