Putting a Personal Touch on Business Attire

When I was hired for my first job in corporate America, I wasn’t too enthusiastic about the dress code. I imagined being required to wear black suits and long sleeved blouses in the summer! I have always been called a “fashionista” and cringed at the thought of not being able to express my fashion sense while looking professional at the same time.

Fast forward to 2013, I can tell you that my initial thoughts were not true. While you should always aim for a more traditional look for interviews, there is a way to balance fashion trends and work attire. I purchase 90% of my clothes from Goodwill and I’ve found some of my most complimented looks from there. Here are a few tips for letting your personal style shine through in business attire.

business attireFor both men and women, always ensure that your clothes fit properly. Be aware of your body type and what works well and find brands that complement that. One idea is to go to the mall and try on different brands to see what works for you. Then when you go shopping at Goodwill, be on the lookout for those brands. One brand that works for me is Ralph Lauren and I always find plenty of it on my Goodwill runs.

Wear traditional pieces in non-traditional colors. This lime green pencil skirt is a great example of doing that. Men, try a tie in a bold color or with a pattern to bring life to a dark suit. How bold you go definitely depends on your work environment. Take a clue from the way you see managers in your group dress.

Don’t go overboard with accessories. For a corporate setting, I’d advise leaving earrings out. Women should stay away from noisy bangle bracelets and earrings that hang. Try a pair of clip-on earrings in an interesting shape or a one-of-a-kind bracelet. For men, a watch is a great piece to tie your look together.

I’d love to see what looks you put together to create your personal spin on your office wear. Until next time….

nakishaNakisha Ann Hall (pen name Ann Bouvier) is a makeup artist, corporate wardrobe stylist and trainer who travels across the country engaging audiences on various beauty and career topics. Follow her style via her blog www.theprofashionalist.com.

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