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Holder-Edison Ford-Leeper Honors Goodwill for Construction Employment Partnership


September 24, 2020

Each September, we recognize the contributions of workforce development professionals who support job seekers and employers HEFL presents Goodwill with two awards for supporting construction projects with quality talentduring National Workforce Development Month. 

With this in mind, Goodwill was presented with two awards for its work in connecting graduates from its construction training programs at the Goodwill Construction Skills Training Center with local job opportunities. The programs Goodwill offers in the construction trades teach in-demand skills and prepare graduates with industry-recognized credentials to launch successful careers in this fast-growing industry.

Ben Hutchins, Pre-construction Project Manager with Holder-Edison Foard-Leeper, presented Goodwill with two awards on behalf of the joint venture. Holder Construction, Edison Foard, and R.J. Leeper have teamed up to manage and execute construction at Charlotte Douglas International Airport and for the Charlotte Convention Center renovation. The group presents recognition awards monthly to their outstanding community partners. 

“[For] the good work that your team is doing on the Charlotte Convention Center construction project in providing us with resources and new hires. And equally, we would like to present on behalf of Holder-Edison Foard-Leeper to Goodwill for your excellent work in providing resources on the Charlotte Airport Terminal Lobby expansion project,” said Ben Hutchins.

Marvin Kelley, Director of Construction and Trade Training for Goodwill, received the awards and shared, “It’s great to see that the students have taken full advantage of all the things they’ve been provided – with coaching and preparation to be able to get a career in the construction industry.”

Thank you Holder-Edison Foard-Leeper for this honor!